Hook: TMC 5263 #4-12
Thread: 3/0 Monocord, black
Back: 3mm Black Foam and 2 mm Yellow Foam
Legs: Medium Round Rubber Legs
Hackle: Brown rooster saddle
Underbody: Olive Krystal Chenille
Start the thread behind the eye and wrap back to the bend of the hook. Cut a strip of each color foam that is about as wide as the hook gap. Notch the ends to a point as shown here.
Lay the black foam on the hook and ti it in place at the bend of the hook.
Lay the yellow strip on top of the black foam overlapping the length on the back. Tie the yellow foam in place with several tight turns of thread.
Tie a single strand of rubber leg in on each side of the hook at the point where you tied the foam down.
Pull the foam back out of the way and tie in the butt end of a rooster saddle feather at the base of the foam.
Tie in a length of krystal chenille e at the base of the foam.
Wrap the chenille forward to the eye of the hook and tie it off. Clip the excess.
Palmer the hackle heavily up the hook to the front and tie it off and clip the excess.
Palmer the hackle heavily up the hook to the front and tie it off and clip the excess.
Fold the black foam forward over the body and tie it down behind the eye with a couple tight wraps of thread.
Fold the yellow foam over the top of the black and tie it down on top of the black foam.
Tie a rubber leg in on each side of the fly at the front.
Trim the foam on the front end of the fly straight across. Lift the front of the foam and whip finish the thread behind the eye.
Trim the legs to length.